Hi There, I'm

Karolina Redden

Full Stack Web Developer based in Halifax, NS

About Me

Hi 👋, my name is Karolina and I am a full stack web developer living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. My passion for technology has pushed me to pivot from being a corporate coach and explore the depths of software development. I have studied software development and have the following stack expertise:
Languages: JavaScript, PHP, HTML+CSS, Ruby
Frameworks, libraries and environments: React, Vue, Node.js, AJAX, jQuery, Express, SASS, EJS, JSX, Sinatra
Databases and CMS: SQL, PostgreSQL, Relational Databases, WordPress
Testing: Mocha, Chai, Cypress, JEST, Vue Test Utils, StoryBook
Tracking and collaboration: Git, Shortcut, Figma, JIRA, Confluence, GitHub.
I love software development for its fast-pace and innovative nature. It allows me to work on problems independently as well as leverage the power of brain storming when solving problems collaboratively. I have been recognized by my work colleagues for strong work ethics and communication skills.

Want to learn more about me?

Other projects

MAMP Stack

React and Atomic CSS

More of my work can be found in GitHub account.